Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011: Between the Buried and Me - Selkies: The Endles Obsession (Instrumental)

Ok, let's get one thing straight: The second someone in this genre of heavy metal starts singing/shouting/ know, tearing up their vocal chords in general, all bets are off.

I have mentioned this before on this blog, and I'll say it again, for all my struggle to accept new and different types of music, I just can't get into a lot of the new metal: Metalcore, screamo, post-hardcore, whatever the hell the kids are calling it this week.

Junk, I say. Rubbish. The lot of it. I find bands like Bring Me The Horizon completely unlistenable.

I was just about to put Between the Buried and Me in that same category. Again, because of the singing/shouting/screaming/etc. That is, I was until I heard several of their instrumental tracks. Like this one.

The twists and turns on this track are absolutely amazing. From the quality riffs dominating the beginning of the track, check out that absolutely magical shift of tone and texture at about 3:58, and then that clean guitar that literally jumps out at 4:46 like a long forgotten 70's FM radio jam.

This, friends, is an absolute diamond of a track, one that takes the listener on a real journey, and a track that I could listen to all day every day, simply because there is just good stuff every minute.

And no screaming.



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