Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011: Prince - Raspberry Beret

It's COLOR Week!

All week long we'll be posting songs with colors in the title!

We are in an incredibly colorful time of the year, gentle reader. The leaves have recently been turning from green to a thousand Autumnal colors. We have just come out of the blood reds and pumpkin oranges of Halloween into the Festive Holiday Seasons where colorful decorations run throughout the stores, the trees, the houses. The skies may becoming grey with the onset of Winter (I mean, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, mind), but the world around us is becoming bright and full of light and magic.

So, as a companion to the season, CSOTD will be doing a full week of music about color.

Just so we're clear: songs with colors in the title.

Not the actual word "color". Therefore, songs like Colors by Ice-T or Color Him Father by The Winstons do not count.

Also, we won't have any songs with Black or White in the title.

Since White is the presence of all color, and Black is the absence of all color (in general, depending on which color theory you're using) those songs will have to be put aside for yet another theme week.

So, without further ado, here is one of the coolest cats around. Yes, he could have started our engines with his Little Red Corvette, or had us dancing in the Purple Rain, but I've always loved the easy, groovy vibe of this colorful song.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Artist Formally Known As The Artist Formally Known As Prince.

Kick us off, oh Purple One!


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