Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8: TWOfer Tuesday - The Colorful Cars Edition

Let's keep Color Week rolling (see what I did there).

I was originally going to pair up Rush's Red Barchetta with Prince's Little Red Corvette - it seemed like a no brainer until I remembered that Little Red Corvette isn't actually about a car. Funny that.

So, that left me with a dilemma. Should I try to still blog about two red cars? After some research, focusing on some good choices (Red Ragtop by Tim McGraw was a close contender), some ok choices (Red Camaro by Rascal Flatts, while the title fit the theme, I doubt Rascal Flats could write a cool song if their life depended on it), ending up with the downright absurd (Big Red Car by The Wiggles is one of the children's songs that will stay in your head for days, DAYS I tell you!)

So I abandoned the red, and settled with songs about colorful cars in general.  And that's when it all came together, with Springsteen's Pink Cadillac being an excellent companion piece to Rush's Red Barchetta.

These are two different songs about two entirely different forms of transportation. One is a Prog Rock classic, the other is an echo from the birth of Rock & Roll. One takes place in a dystopian future, one has it's feet firmly in the past.  One is about a shiny sports car, the other is about a huge land yacht more suited for cruising main street than racing mountain roads.  They are different, but I think they compliment each other wonderfully.

And, lastly, there is no denying, however, that both are very, very cool.



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