Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011: Lady Gaga - You and I

Can I go on public record and declare that I'm a fan of Lady Gaga?

Not a monster fan, if I'm honest, but I do think she had that unique mix of talent, drive and watchability. Also, she has managed to make pop music interesting again, something it hasn't been for a long time. But, probably most important, she has that rarest of knacks to not only take things out there, but to be out there and still encourage people to come along for the ride.

There are plenty of artists who can get "out there", however most of them seem to leave their audiences way behind. Yes, I'm looking at you, Christina Aguilera.

So, while most of the talk about LG is about her "out there" schtick, I think it's most interesting that the song that I like most from her isn't really out there at all. In fact, it's probably one of the most familiar songs around.

Because LG has taken elements of many familiar pop songs and crafted them into You and I.

I mean honestly, can't you just hear What's Up by 4 Non-Blonds, Man, I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain, Breathe (2 AM) by Anna Nalick and especially We Will Rock You by Queen when you hear this song?  I'm sure any more knowledgable tunesmith would be able to come up with at least half dozen other potential sources.

Now, the question becomes, did she deliberately rip off other sources for this song.

That's a harder thing to prove.

In the end, though, the last question, the most important question is, does it matter?  In this case, I will side with No, It Doesn't Matter.

Because art always feeds on itself to grow.   Painters paint past masters in the quest to find their own style.  Poets and songwriters do the same.

So, let LG be known for the outrageous costumes, unfathomable videos and over the top concerts - because then those of us who are nonplussed by those external trappings can really on focus on her growth as a musician and a songwriter.

And I think she has a lot to offer.  So here's to going Gaga in 2012.   I think this will be the year when serious people really start taking her seriously.


Unknown said...

Love her/hate her/love her/can't stand to look at her/and you can dance to it. My 4 yo Grandaughter really really loves her.
Happy New Year!

ponyrojo said...

Happy New Year to you as well, thanks for stopping by!

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