Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012: The J. Giles Band - I Do

It's the penultimate day here on Guest Presenter Week - and I'm happy to welcome back Nick Littrell, our very first guest presenter.

CSOTD: So, Nick, what brings you back to our humble blog?

Nick: Stay away from my girlfriend.

CSOTD: Wait, what?

Nick: I heard about yesterday's little talk you guys had. OK, so she has much better taste in music than I do, big whoop. But, I'll tell you something - we've been listening to music together this week and it just hit me how wonderful she is, she really is. I thought that I would try to take this to the next level. I've been thinking about it, and I'm going to ask her to marry me. I was out late last night getting the ring, so I don't have any song for today.

CSOTD: That's great news. What I can do for you is try to choose a song with a bit of a subliminal message for her, try to get her in the mood for saying yes. With that in mind, I think I'll pull out this cool classic from one of the greatest good-time bands ever. Kicking off what is sure to be an eventful weekend, here's the J. Giles Band with "I Do".

Happy Friday, everybody!

Nick: And stay away from my girlfriend.


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