Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012: Shuggie Otis: Me and My Woman

Welcome to: "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME" Week

I've been doing this humble blog for some time now, gentle reader, and while I do love what I do here, I have to confess that lately I've been feeling a bit unappreciated. Yes, I know that I am loved, and I know that many out there got my back. But I just don't think too many understand what really goes into this blog - hours of slaving away over songs and videos, days worrying about if I got a good balance of tunes, genres and ages of music. It's some hard graft, let me tell you.

So, I'm going to get a bit selfish for now, and just have a whole week devoted to me.

Songs about me.

Well, songs about me and some of the people, places and things that I love.

But, you know, mostly about me.

To kick things off we have some epic rhythm and blues from my man, Shuggie Otis. He's singing about my two favorite things in the entire world. Me. And my woman.

But mostly me.

Take it away!


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