Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012: TWOfer Tuesday - The "It's About Time We Featured Miles Davis" Edition

From the second ever post on Cool Song Of The Day: August 10, 2012:

"If someone wanted me to define cool, I would first point them to Miles Davis."

From the very outset, this blog has used Mr Davis as the very highest standard of cool. He is the cool plumbline, the unit if measurement for which all thing cool must be set against.

And, trust me, all cool things put up against Miles Davis are weighed, measured and found wanting.

Even if you don't like Jazz, you will like Miles Davis.

If you don't own Birth Of The Cool, get it.

If you don't own Kind Of Blue, get it now.

If you don't own Sketches Of Spain, drop everything you're doing and get it right now.

If you needed any more persuading, here is some Live Miles for you

Spanish Key, recorded at Isle Of Wight Festival, August 29, 1970

Lord Have Mercy.


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