Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012: Herbie Hancock - Watermelon Man

Welcome Everyone To
"Hey, What's In Your Jazz Record Collection?" 

I've been wanting to do a jazz themed week since, well, since the very beginning of this humble blog. But, like many things in my life, I've just never gotten around to it.

And, obviously, part of that reason is the subject matter. Jazz. Who can comment on such a heavy and broad topic in just one week? In fact, I'm pretty sure I could write a Cool Jazz Song Of The Day blog where I only post Jazz songs all day, every day. And it would be all killer, no filler. Fact.

But, I've got my hands full here with my workaday CSOTD, so instead of trying to tackle another project, I'll just run this down for a week. And, instead of trying to construct some contrived theme, I'll just do a little personal digging and post directly from my own humble record collection.

Well, CD collection. Sorry, I know I've just turned off some aficionados right there.


Let's start the week with something really bright and happy and fun, shall we?

Herbie Hancock has been very instrumental in the development of my love for Jazz, ever since I picked up Maiden Voyage.  But for this Monday, I just felt I needed to have that fun factor as well, and that is fulfilled in aces with this classic track off his 1973 release, Headhunters.



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