Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012: Davy Jones - Road To Love

RIP: David Thomas "Davy" Jones - 30 December 1945 – 29 February 2012

Here's one that cut hard through many generations.  Whether you grew up listening to the Monkees, or knew of Davy Jones from watching the Brady Bunch, or from the various revivals of the TV show (MTV started airing reruns of the Monkees show in 1986), Davy Jones was a part of your life.  One of the brighter, more beautiful parts, you'll admit.

People don't write about love like they used to.  At least, not with as much hope as he sings here.

You can't help but feel that we've not only lost a great artist, but we're also losing a bit of that vision of peace and love and brotherhood that is so easy to mock - and impossibly difficult to turn into reality.

Here to travels on the real Road To Love.  I know you've made it there, Davy.


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