Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012: TWOfer Tuesday: The "The Phone Sure Can Give A Man The Blues" Edition

Funny thing about the phone; it can be a blessing or it can be a curse.

Sure, it can call for help when you're sick.  It can let you talk to a good friend far away.  It can be instrumental in getting work done.  You can use it too book a hotel room in a far away land, or just making reservations for that date you're going on this weekend.

You can, like Mr King, use the phone to try and woo back a lover who has left you all alone.

But, it can also be the bringer of very bad news.  News like, you're baby's been cheating on you.  News like, there's another mule kicking in your stall.  News that you won't just shrug off any time soon.

News that can give a man the blues.


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