Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012: Marillion - Kayleigh

This is a tough one.

If you follow CSOTD on Facebook, and you really should, then you know every Saturday Night I do the "Saturday Night Guilty Pleasure" Song.  I've talked about this before.  These are songs that are miles away from "cool", but are still songs we love to listen to, songs we love to sing along to, and often times songs that make us hate ourselves for loving them so much.

Usually, it's pretty clear cut what's a "guilty pleasure" song and what isn't.  Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye?  Sub zero cool.  Fever For The Flava by Hot Action Cop?  Guilty pleasure, definitely.

See?  Easy peasy.

Marillion?  Well, that's a bit more complicated.   They really do tend to divide peoples opinions.  Or, they can even divide a sole persons opinion, with one variation of the band being cool, and a later line up being uncool.

Kayleigh is a perfect pop song - and those too can equally be viewed as cool, especially by those versed in the craft of writing a pop song and realize how difficult that craft can be.  Or viewed as uncool, because pop is often viewed as uncool because, well, "popular" rarely equals "cool".

But, for me, for all that uncertainly and consideration just solidifies for me that this track is truly cool.

And, if you don't think so, then you can view it as a Saturday Guilty Pleasure, and that works for me too.

Either way, enjoy!


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