Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012: TWOfer Tuesday - The "Flaming Lips Are Better Than The Beatles" Edition

The Flaming Lips are better than The Beatles. There, I said it.

Face it, the Fab Four are getting a bit long in the tooth, been that way for a while now. The Beatles only had, what, 10 really good years together? Pshaw, The Flaming Lips have been going since 1983, and are still going strong.

And it's not just longevity that's the topper. Because, let's face it, if that was the only consideration, then we would need to crown Cliff Richard or, God forbid, The Rolling Stones as the best musical act ever.

But, it's really about the music. Sure, the Beatles were great at writing pop songs. But, so were Herman's Hermits. Forget "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", give one listen to "Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter" then try to scrub THAT song out of your head for the next week or so.

No, it's really around Revolver and then Sgt Pepper that The Beatles really started to stretch their legs. But The Flaming Lips have been living in that place since, well, 1983. They started there. They didn't waste the beginning of their career faffing about trying to be just another Northern skiffle band, prancing about like a bunch of sissy-teddy boys with Elvis shaped stars in their eyes. Nope, The Flaming Lips went straight for the sky, unhindered and unteathered by the norms of societial convention as applied to contemporary musical composition.

And the Beatles never imagined fighting large, pink robots. Checkmate, pal.

Or, who know, maybe it's all nonsense. Maybe the Beatles are the top of the heap for a reason.

Thing about it is, I still haven't blogged The Beatles.

But, here's two songs from The Flaming Lips. Well, one song and one cover.

Both prove that The Flaming Lips are miles ahead of The Beatles.

In my humble opinion.


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