Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012: Zap Mama - Brrrlak

Music is the great equalizer. The universal language. And we want to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.

Yes, those are corny, cheesy, tired cliches who have well worn out their welcome for our modern, heightened, urbane and sophisticated sensibilities.

And they are 100% truth. As real as the firmness of the earth.

The day I stop believing that music cannot bridge cultures, break bonds and lift spirits is the day that I not only shut down this blog, it would also be the day I cash out my bank account and head on down to the local liquor store and buy enough booze to spend the rest of my short, miserable life in a drunken stupor trying to forget everything I had come to believe.

Because, brothers and sisters, if music is just noise, if it is just melody and lyrics, if it is only a money making opportunity seized by giant, soulless corporations to continue to enslave the youth of the world by luring them into the prisons of fashion, folly and vice, then life ain't worth living.

Fortunately, if I ever even begin to walk down that road, I'll have Marie Daulne and Zap Mama to show me the path, and keep me on the narrow road to salvation.



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